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Top 5 Things You Can Do Right Now To Optimize Your Immune System

Immune System 101

The immune system is an intricate network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together as your body's natural defense system. It gets a lot of attention during the winter months (aka cold and flu season), but it is working year-round to protect you from a flu/virus or an infection that could happen at any time.

According to WebMD, "A healthy immune system protects us by first creating a barrier that stops those invaders, or antigens, from entering the body. And if one slips by the barrier, the immune system produces white blood cells and other chemicals and proteins that attack and destroy these foreign substances. They try to find the antigen and get rid of it before it can reproduce. Failing that, the immune system revs up, even more, to destroy the invaders as they multiply."

If you are somebody who tends to get sick the second someone around you coughs, maybe you need to think about strengthening your immune system. Below are five of the most...

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