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5 Tips to Stay on Track This Summer

As the temperature rises and the days grow longer, it's easy to slip into a relaxed mindset when it comes to our health and fitness routines. However, maintaining a consistent workout regimen and healthy eating habits throughout the summer is essential for our overall well-being. To help you stay on track and make the most of this season, here are five tips to keep you motivated and dedicated to your fitness and nutrition goals.

Set Realistic Goals

How to write effective SMART goals - Breeze

When it comes to fitness and healthy eating, setting realistic goals is crucial. Understand your current fitness level and identify what you want to achieve realistically within the summer. Create a roadmap with specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. For example, aim to work out three times a week or incorporate more vegetables into your meals. These attainable goals will keep you focused and motivated as you progress.

Plan Ahead

Summer can be a busy time with vacations, social gatherings, and outdoor...

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Tips to Building a Bigger and Stronger Back

fit tips training workout Sep 08, 2021

Look BACK at it.

Not only is it aesthetically pleasing (in our opinion) to have a strong back, but it is also a key muscle group used to achieve total body strength. The back is arguably one of the most difficult parts of the body to train. It is the largest muscle group in the upper body, making it a key group to train for total upper body strength and posture. By strengthening your back muscles, you're building up the main support structure for your entire bodyA healthy and strong back will stabilize and brace your spine, which will make reaching your health and fitness goals even easier.

How to train to GROW your back

You may be reading this thinking that you’ve tried every back movement in the book to grow your back, but it may not be the movement itself that is hindering your progress, it could be the WAY you are training.

#1 Focus on your mind-muscle connection.

The mind-muscle connection is a conscious and deliberate muscle contraction. The...

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