We've all been there, looking for a quick fix to drop 10 pounds, or searching for a one-step tip for success. Unfortunately, this is not usually possible. We know that exercise is important in creating a caloric deficit and body recomposition... but diet and proper nutrition is the main driver for fat loss. We also know that everybody is different and will require a different strategy to achieve the goal of fat loss. That being said, we are here to tell you, with a high degree of confidence (backed by science), that protein is one of the main keys for every individual to successfully drop body fat (the right way).
One of the biggest reasons people fail when starting a new meal plan or macro goal is due to feeling excessively hungry. When someone is hungry, they are much more likely to stray from their goals and overeat. This is where protein comes into play. Protein is the most satiating macro, compared to...
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