Question: What's the secret to saving money and dropping body fat?
Answer: the Okon Fitness VIP Program
If you've read about our VIP Program, you already know the answer to this. For those who are new to Okon, the VIP Program is a customized program built for each individual client's specific goals/timeline, lifestyle, and roadblocks. All VIP clients are given a custom-built program that includes a meal plan, workout program, and educational content so they understand the why behind our approach.
Clients go through the VIP Program for a minimum of 12-weeks, however, many will continue on for more rounds as their goals change. Our clients are held to the highest level of accountability through weekly coaching calls to ensure they are staying on track and progressing at a reasonable rate.
Since the VIP Program is a 12-week program where our clients are expected to adhere to a meal plan, work out consistently, and live a healthy lifestyle, it is safe to assume that a lifestyle change will be in order.
If you want to see a change, you have to make a change.
While this change may sound expensive, let us break down how doing the VIP Program will actually save you money.
When following a meal plan, there is no room in your eating schedule for eating out at restaurants. All of your meals are already planned out for the week, so if you were to eat out at a restaurant, you would be wasting a perfectly good meal at home.
However, this does not mean you can't be social while on the VIP Program, it just means that you do not need to be spending money on food while you are there. For the times where eating out is unavoidable, our coaches will help you find the best option for both your goals and your wallet.
Just as restaurants are not part of your meal plan, alcohol and bars are also a no-go. Alcohol will not only slow down your progress but also make it harder to avoid those late-night pizza cravings. Alcohol typically inhibits your decision-making ability while also stimulating nerves in the brain that increase appetite. This is a terrible combination for someone looking to lose body fat and save money.
Not only will alcohol likely lead to bad decisions that don't align with your goals... but chances are, you will likely wake up the next day craving a greasy burger, and convincing yourself to stay in bed all day, forget meal prepping, and definitely skip the gym. One night of drinking can have a domino effect on other aspects beyond the extra calories consumed.
We've all been there. Grocery shopping on an empty stomach. Cart overflowing with random pantry items, unnecessary ingredients, and fruits/vegetables that will go bad before you remember to eat it.
Rookie mistake. Now you spent all this money on food that you won't even eat.
In the United States, food waste is estimated at between 30-40 percent of the food supply. This food waste happens across the whole supply chain, from farmers to consumers. Consumers contribute to food loss when they buy or cook more than they need and choose to throw out the extras.
This is where having a concise meal plan really comes in handy. On the VIP Program, you will walk into the grocery store with a list of exactly what you need, and how much of it you should buy for the week. Not only will you be saving major cash, but you will also be saving the planet, one grocery store run at a time.
When you are following a meal plan, you will be prepping a week's worth of meals. This means 7 breakfasts, 7 snacks, 7 lunches, etc.
While you can have variety and switch up your meals each day, it is way easier to keep them the same for the week. Eating the same meals for the week means that you can buy your food in bulk. When you buy food in bulk, it may be more expensive up front, but the unit cost is cheaper.
For example, you need rice.
By buying the rice in bulk, the total cost will be more upfront, but you will be getting the rice at $1.6/pound vs $3/pound. Buying your meat, veggies, fruit, and grains in bulk is a great way to save money. Some weeks, you will spend more (i.e. when you need to re-up on your rice stock), but other weeks you may only need to get a few ingredients.
Doing healthy activities that are generally cheaper than activities centered around eating and drinking is a great way to save money.
Here are some ideas
It may be hard to get your friends on board, but there is always someone looking to also save money (and maybe they are looking for a health accountability partner, too!).
After reading this, hopefully, you can see how saving money and sticking to your goals go hand in hand! Whether your main goal is to tighten up your budget or tighten up your body, you will easily be able to accomplish both at the same time as long as you set your mind to it!
Apply for the VIP Program today!
*These numbers are based on statistics of the average American household.
I worked with my team to put together a quick list of some of the most common foods so you are able to reference this as you are focused on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Simple. Easy. Effective.
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